Friday, June 19, 2009

Concert Review: Art Brut @ Spaceland

It was hot in there, man. Lots of bodies and saturated rock chords. The drummer was wearing a Shakira shirt, and Art Brut wore his grizzly eyebrows. He looks like he wandered off the BBC sets to sing. Brut said it was the first time he wore "blue denim" in years. Guess that's what happens when you play for a week in Los Angeles: it was hard, bright, and loud.

He wandered through the crowd singing about DC comics, how Pitchfork followed him around once, and at point screamed, "Fuck New York!" (Also Fuck Seattle, but what ELSE is new right?) Mysteriously, he has a grudge against Kings of Leon as well.

So, the best review I could give is he blasted the doors off the place. Honestly, half way through I wasn't sure what I was hearing or why, or why my shirt was soaked with sweat, or why the girl in front of me kept falling down--but all's well in Rock and ironic Roll.

Note: Kevin Bronson's Buzzbands above article picture of Brut best shows off the sweaty, wild show.


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