Friday, June 26, 2009

Avett Brothers - I And Love And You

Spinner online is featuring a new track from The Avett Brothers currently buzzing new album I And Love And You. Emotionalism, their last album opened with the surprising Paranoid in B Major - a banjo dance-around-the-pole with the Bro's usual harmonies and Merle Haggard / Nelson heartache. It was feral and jocular--almost to the point of silliness.

I And Love And You is something else. It's the reflection of a band that's been hitting the road hard, and the hurt of moving too fast. They sound tired and damn beautiful. According to Paste's recent feature, the band has been pushing towards this moment--their new record is their first Big Label release. It's apt that their first track is not a blowout like their jubilant "Talk on Indolence," it's more genuine and down-to-earth.

I went back and forth on the sad strings, but the honest songwriting is there. They don't dress their lyrics, they just tell you what's going on in here (pointing to chest). When you're dealing with real country-blues, it's the only way to go.


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